M.Div/Ph.D. track with intent to teach at the University level in Religious Studies.
Professional Profile
Enthused and delighted to bring embodied, experiential wisdom and learning modalities to seminarians
and their constituencies. Prepared to explore the human being as a sacred text and teach/learn exegetical
methods for extracting and understanding the person and work as sacred texts and embodied divinity.
Dedicated to enthusiastic and dynamic teaching as a means of creating and nurturing a lifelong love of
Brilliantly uses immediate, personal experience as teaching platform.
Profound respect for all paths in both their similarities and individuations.
Eager to further develop and enhance existing teaching skills and practices in preparation for PhD work
and future teaching.
Summary of qualifications
Marginalized queer person who has reclaimed power, spirit and faith from oppressive internal and external
structures to aid others in doing the same.
BA, Religious Studies, Humboldt State, 2008. Completed all upper division BA coursework in 3 semesters
while working as an ISA/TA
BA, English, Literature emphasis with Internship in Creative Writing, 1995
Minor in Women’s Studies, 1995
Eight years’ experience presenting for groups of all sizes, from single subject classes to weekend workshops
on alternative sexual practices speaking circuit
Published author
Ordained Minister, Church of the New Renaissance, Humboldt County, CA
Gifted at taking complex ideas and finding ways to communicate them simply and eloquently to a diverse
range of people; excellent ‘translator’
Compassionate, dedicated, self-motivated achiever
Creative, articulate, thoughtful and engaging
Madly in love with learning and its myriad modalities and expressions; long-term relationship with
teaching and sharing ideas
Plan and instruct each subject area using wide variety of teaching aids, motivational and implementation
strategies to engage students in active learning
I live what I teach
Experienced Professional Educator
Active participation in academic co-teaching from course development to execution
Designed and conducted spirituality/sexuality workshops for 8 years
2009: TA, Karen Harris & Naomi Steinberg, Women in Religion, HSU
2008: TA, Fr. Eric Freed, Introduction to Christianity, HSU
2008: TA, Fr. Eric Freed, Myth and Knowing , HSU
2008: TA, Rabbi Naomi Steinberg, Jewish Mystical Traditions, HSU
2008: TA, Professor Bill Herbrechstmeier, World Religions, HSU
2008: Reader/Grader, World Religions (RS 120) under Prof. Herbrechstmeier.
1998-2007: Independent contractor; sexual health author/lecturer/educator
1995, Raymond Carver Short Story Contest, Student Lead
1995: ISA, Intern; Prof. Vince Gotera, Creative Writing, HSU
2010 - present: MDiv Candidate, Starr King School for the Ministry, Graduate Theological Union,
Berkeley, CA
2008: BA, Religious Studies, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
1995: BA, English Literature; minor in Women’s Studies, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
1989: AA, Liberal Arts; Yuba Community College, Marysville, CA
2009-present: Graduate Student, Sexuality Educator and Handcrafting Artist.
2007-2009: Life Coach.
1998-2007: Independent contractor; spirituality and sexuality author/lecturer/educator.
1986-2004: Single parent.
1983-98: Employed, primarily boutique retail.
Professional Affiliations:
American Academy of Religion
Crochet Guild of America
National Coalition for Sexual Freedom/Woodhull Foundation
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
Community Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS)
HSU Alumni Association
English, some French.
Publications and Awards
Designated “Friend of the Howard Thurman Papers Project,” Boston University, for website development, 

HSU President’s List (GPA over 3.8), Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008
Certificate of Excellence in an Academic Discipline, Spring 2008
Accepted for presentation and peer review, UC Bakersfield Undergraduate Conference on Philosophy and
Religious Studies, A Tale of Two Communities: Brought together and Left Behind, an examination of the
ramifications of literal interpretation of the Book of Revelation through the lens of millennial
dispensationalism, 2008
Who’s Who of American College Students, 2008
Authored and published 3 single-subject, creative non-fiction niche sexuality books (1998, 2003, 2006)
Community Service
Healing Through Writing Group Facilitator for The Emma Center (resource center for women recovering
from abuse and associated trauma), Arcata, CA
Volunteer sexual health educator for Humboldt County organizations.
Craft group faciliator
Computer Skills
Software: Microsoft Windows®, Open Office, Microsoft Publisher, WordPerfect, Microsoft Word,
Photoshop, Adobe Reader, Firefox, Thunderbird
Working knowledge of the Internet
Mad research skills with focus on adaptive and innovative uses of the Internet
Excellent references from both Clergy and Academicians available on request.
“She challenges students to re-examine assumptions about the methods and goals of scholarship. This is particularly important in Religious Studies courses. . . Ms. Addington is an excellent model of the phenomenological approach to the study of religion. She seems to have a particular dedication to removing impediments so that others might better grasp the material that she finds so absorbing and worthwhile. Deborah is the teacher of the future and it's a thrill to get a glimpse of what it will be like!”
Rabbi Naomi Steinberg
Temple Beth El, Eureka CA., Lecturer, HSU
“The impact her messages have had on my life is immeasurable, as I use the tools she provided every single day.”
Cynthia Hainsworth
“Ms. Addington has a great desire to excel; she follows that up with action and effort. She gives selflessly of her time and energy to her students. I have great respect for her academic capacity.
Fr. Eric Freed
HSU Newman Center, Lecturer, HSU
“I suddenly got it -- I manifest God by acknowledging and using what He gave me…I’m a ‘thank you’ prayer. I left your class giving myself permission to see and acknowledge in myself what others see. Thank you for that gift.”
Gina Mystfour
“I imagine Deborah stirring up, challenging and bringing zest to her classes, in all kinds of positive and original ways.”
Prof. David Sander,
Stonehill College
Please contact me if you'd like an e-copy of my CV or Teaching Philosophy.